ho'oponopono success stories

A few days after have been saying thank you to the pc, the boss called someone to have the pc repaired (as well as the other ones), this is a miracle, because every time I say to an inanimate object "thanks, thanks, thanks", it seems like the energy changes not only in the room but in the object also. God has weird ways of doing justice. He mentioned that he was driving like a mad man this morning, almost in everyone's tail, moving from one lane to another. I needed a sign... I'd like to share with you something that happened to me this weekend while I was with my family. You asked me if I could share with others what had happened to me but I forgot it so when I remembered I thought: "I will share with Mabel the next miraculous thing that happens to me". They arrived on a payment agreement, which she was doubtful of, since she did not have the money at that moment. I was talking to my inner child and taking some of the phrases; obviously before that I had thanked the train for allowing me to take it. I didn’t work with my inner child and also, I used to practice Reiki. www.peacewithinISworldpeace.com, www.TheEasiestWayToGrow.com . She has a high frequency within herself. I’ve spent the past year doing Ho’oponopono daily. At this moment the site “Ho’oponopono Miracles” has become a home to thousands of practitioners. I love you. Chaos forever, since I live in this place I had no day without complaining about the noise, traffic and continuous pollution. I used one of the tools for a trial in which I was accused of something that I was innocent, and who accused me lied about the charges imputed to me. I have always been a happy person but now people are commenting on how peaceful, happy and grounded I am. As I said before, I left my job, and I’m still unemployed. I've asked the nodule:  They realized how easy it can be to forgive and the awesome benefits of practicing the process. I realized that in my past lives I died drowning several times... Then I could see the times of the Vikings, I was a warrior, I died from a wound in the chest. It turned out that the author of that note, Joe Vitale, as well as I was not satisfied with the quality and quantity of information about this method, decided to find a Hawaiian healer in order to learn more about this method and its capabilities. She woke up and said to herself: “This is serious” so she decided to look for me through my son. I feel that thanks to the continue practice of this art I will slowly emerge from that dark well where I was when Ho'oponopono came into my life and started to let go. I asked Divinity, “What can I do to correct this?” Shortly thereafter, Ho’oponopono came into my life. Besides, the health care insurance which she is affiliated with is closed due to holiday season. I wanted to thank you for the seminar in Medellin, it was wonderful, it helped me to be more in contact with my inner child, again thank you, thank you, thank you. That’s the way it was, two blocks from my house and we had one. Two weeks later, l found Ho'oponopono. Thanks, thanks, thanks." On October 11, 2012, I attended to a Ho’oponopono seminar for the first time. I'm very grateful for all your teachings and help. I started to work on my physical and mental health, and three years ago, I began to practice Ho'oponopono. I had vowed never to return, (due to painful memories of child abuse), but long-story-short, there I was, revisiting the house and neighborhood where I'd grown up, many decades ago. Hi Mabel! I turned around to look at the book again and then I noticed that she smiled at me and afterwards she answered: "Thank you". While performing a Caesarean section doctors came into a surprise: my ovaries and my uterus were completely atrophied, 'dead' as they said afterwards. What could be the reason of having so much need to sleep? Yesterday I was listening a Q&A (08/2011) from Mabel (listening and not listening because I was in the train on my way back home) when suddenly I heard her saying that once she told God that she did not have the solution to her problem, no way she could find the solution, then she let go. I just kept repeating “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you”. God bless you! He can also see big subjects. I've been practicing Ho'oponopono for one year now and I can honestly tell you that things in my life have changed, though, I still have relapses. Prayer works, he said. The intersection doesn't have the fatalities as before. But I learned to let go” … let’s continue…It turns out that I was invited to lunch ( a co-worker that I knew very little, thank you thank you thank you) I went to make copies for a job I had to do and when I was going to pay.. Ho’oponopono is magical! A day before my husband tells me he is not able to get the money to pay all we have to pay, that it is a lot of money. And 8.00 am instead of 12.00 pm.... no way! I don’t know how to explain it. One night, after hearing a talk of yours and Dr. Len, where he said that everything on this earth has its own energy and life, even a chair, and we can talk, as he spoke to his shoes; I happened to talk to the street outside my house. Today, September, 14th, 2014 I experienced one of the most wonderful and touching miracles to the point that I cannot stop crying and I can't explain it with words. These are the most magical seconds I can remember and for nothing out of ordinary I haven’t experienced before. The workshop turned out to be a great success. When I stopped concentrating on my expectations, finally I started to see the results. THANKYOU! For the very first time, I was able to clearly see, (and experience), the astonishing breathtaking beauty of the magical nature paradise I was raised in… and profound gratefulness filled my heart. My daughter is astonished and very happy. So I was careful, sure enought that driver, drove right through, no intention of stopping, me stopping sort of before the middle of the intersection. The next day, my daughter calls me up. I know it was my faith that there is no such a thing as impossible and my work on myself that brought this happiness to me. Author Topic: Ho 'oponopono Stories (Read 8055 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Dear Mabel, THANK YOU, l am looking forward to day when l will be able to tell you all this in person. I love you all! Thanks so much with all my heart! Moving from Argentina to Los Angeles. “¿¿¿Do you have something to say?? I didn’t trust 100%, although I wanted to think I did. Use it and you will see how your life will start changing for the better! The hospital was not a safe place to work. Two months later, I left the man I loved and I never lost my peace. I am now working with good people and at a job I like. By this time I had been practicing the Ho’oponopono for 3 years. He immediately calmed down and stopped insisting. I was born with gifts to speak with angelic and spirits realms. I said "I love my crazy" and went to my house. Today it is officially confirmed! Thanks for sharing your success story. Dear Mabel,  Therefore, infinite thanks!!!!!. WELL SHE TOOK ME HOME – she was my neighbor.. Suddenly, they got off the train. He said "do you want us to call another freight truck and see if anyone can?" Stop asking questions and just do it!! He looked at me and said ... "ahhh, how nice." I am never going to give up my power again to anyone! It's only been 5 minutes since I contacted her, and a special sensation came from my head down to my toes, a sensation I've never felt before, Unexplainable. More information: (818) 668-2085 [email protected] Customer Support Click here Wow, it was a great surprise when I saw that you had answered my MAIL, you had cleaned on me, you have magic Mabel. I became an office worker who was angry with them and the whole world doing the job I didn’t like at all. Please share your Ho’oponopono stories with us – with each one we become more empowered – and more confident in our abilities to transform our world. I keep cleaning! Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you. I finished Mabel’s ‘40 days and 40 nights’ program 7 days before I broke the record. Who made the intercom system rang just at the right time of the accident? The Peace of I. Hi Mabel, And it’s working! Again thank you for this post. Two days ago my oldest son gave me a call telling me that Gaby, my sister, was looking for me, She had dreamed our mother asking her to find me. I am thankful for my faith in God and the tools. Your inner mental chatter or “inner world” will always be a perfect representation of your outer world. l had cancer in one leg, epilepsy and short sight problems. I always believed that he was asking all the time for things to be happy, but I realized that HE IS ALREADY HAPPY and ask things or actions because he knows what he wants but it's hard for him to get them by his own. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. When we arrived to the clinic we realized that we would be charged a lot of money to have her attended at the emergency area and we did not have that amount of money. He used to go out in the mornings and come back at 5 pm. God and life keep surprising me every time and all the miracles I'm experiencing as well. I started to practice and have experienced several miracles. In some months I noticed that when repeating mantras I felt some freedom. I also started to talk to every cell, organ and system in my body. So I can install it there and leave it ready!". This is something very strange and magical at the same time, isn't it? Yet, I ask myself “Why do I want to remember the miracles?” when in fact what I want to do is erase the memories. It seems like everything is helping me and it only depends on myself. The First Documented Success Story of This Hawaiian Ritual: When Dr. Hew Len has learned the Ho’oponopono, so after that he became a psychologist at a mental institution in Hawaii. All the participants thanked me for the fantastic day with lot of inspiration to working together in new and better ways. I am a hairdresser and I became a hairdresser because I grew up watching my family do the same. I cleaned as much as I could on my way to the hospital. I confronted him, but he denied it, even though the evidence gave him away. Lately I have been using the flypaper while I'm teaching in workshops for better communication and dialog in the Company I am working for. And now the peace that I have come to experience daily is beyond words!!! He’s even a great drummer, with his own YouTube channel. !Unable to render embedded object: File ( "Mom, you gave me a call about 15 minutes after we had car accident) not found.!! Join our Ho'oponopono Way Community and you could have the next WOW! I usually go to work on foot. It was about saving the island and other islands. Please forgive me. Ti amo, Powerful. I recommend to use Ho’oponopono technique because this is the most effective way to change your life for the better without taking too many efforts, not spending much time per day. From my own experience, I can divide myv practice in at least two parts. Last weekend I celebrated with my family my grandmother's 88th birthday. Yesterday, Tuesday I had to go to the office and at this time of the month my budget was very limited (thank you thank you thank you) and had very little money for the day. The Peace of I. Hi my friends! Dr. Hew Len published a incorrect story about ho’oponopono, about his story in Hawaii State Hospital in the 1980s, about his job there and about the healings of the patients with Ho’oponopono in Hawaii State Hospital. Change can be made with one simple but firm decision. I had no money for a taxi, so I had to walk. Because I have been practicing Ho'oponopono since I came from the seminar. And this Hawaiian technique Ho’oponopono has been specifically designed to remove all the stress and negativity from … My son was with me that day, I mentioned to him that I did not know how I was going to come back to work the next day (I'm used to working at nights). and her help was amazing and all the friends who could come and help too. That was the first miracle, and the glimpses of real peace are expanding daily. Somebody must have lost it. Maybe 15 days before date, l put also the date of the hearing on paper under glass. I did not have the money to attend, since I live in the city of Pereira and had to travel during 6 hours to Medellin and then 10 hours to Bogota. We started organizing the event; we paid the salon, and the catering and music. It almost never rains here... so the sudden "drizzle" attracted my attention… I was on duty the day it happened. Like in Juliet's situation, the van is over ten years old, so my daugher got a small amount of money from that company's insurance, not enought to fix the van. I enjoyed my pregnancy days, although, to be honest, sometimes I feared what will happen with the baby. For technical problems, send an email to [email protected], www.TheZeroFrequencyMethod.com . I had the feeling that the whole world is listening to me and I can attract anything into my life if I want to. I said to myself, this is God's grace. In fact, I’m going to be creating a miracle journal, because there’re so many. I’ve been trusting, letting go and cleaning so much that I lived a miracle:  That same night the new house was already equipped!! And noticed my judgements were my projections. I feel a change already in me and my family. l know that luck is following brave ones, and that we need patience, but l had so little of them. Her and her partner where very distraught over this. you are giving your permission to post on the site. I just do my part so that our son can see again. Ho’oponopono July 14, 2017. Situations that used to deeply affect me emotionally do not do any more or not so much lately. I returned home with some money (coins) and safely with my son. Ho’oponopono was simplified into 4 easy phrases by a man called Ihaleakala Hew Len. We had been with days like that (windy before it rained). He said that 20 feet latter the load of the vehicle in front of him started to fall out of the car. Once, my friend has told me that he has started practicing Ho’ponopono and he saw the first results already. He use the story of Hawaii State Hospital and the healing of his patients to substantiate his mantra. I told her that when she went to court and she felt like losing control, to think of the “Flypaper”. I also told her to imprint the “Flor de Lis” logo and to place it on the court documents (the night before). Subscribe to claim 6 FREE BONUSES and FREE subscription to Mabel's FREE Newsletter. Ho’ponopono Certification Course of Joe Vitale, Angel Number 404 – Meaning and What Stays Behind It, Angel Number 333 Meaning And Its Significance in Life. l was very careful not to make mistakes, like talking about the illness. I know it will work for you. I just kept silent and did my job—cleaning. I told you about the problem I was experiencing with Mary, the woman who helps at my daughter’s house, I had it for 7 months, and "prayed" day and night since I knew the Ho'oponopno about 45 days ago. My daughter was so happy that I had said that the Divine Creator was transforming pain into light. That's why Ho'oponopono came into my life, looking for a healing method for this mental illness. However, they became more understanding and compromising as well as me. Since that moment, everything changed, an amazing energy came over me and I started to do many things at once. Months ago I had been researching for pruning; because between its branches there are light, T.V. Then he told me that l was mistaken, that the hearing was not on the 7th, that it was on the 19th at 12.00 Noon. This was the Universe sign I was expecting! At that moment I became aware of my cleaning and I got a thought, take her to the emergency room at a public hospital. But after 3 years, I am not sure I did the right thing due to the consequences inside of me. I took the money for the bus and I was laughing (I knew it was the universe talking to me)… Then.. The wind started and my Grandma and I commented about the tree pulling and ripping off the wires, so I told my Grandma: "Well, look, let's leave it to God, He will do what is best." We celebrated it in advance because now I’m going to Brazil. In the beginnings, I was able to achieve big changes. During lunch hour today, inspired from the cleaning and your post, I went to that intersection (close to the plant where I work), even though I am off, and prayed, clean, made amends, sprinkled blue solar water, sprinkled blue arrow cornmeal, and took 100% responsibility for that intersection. See you soon !! The staff turn around rate was also … This is the technique, which should be practiced non-stop, otherwise, you won’t reach success. At the first break on Saturday morning, a Palestinian man came up to me and told me that he didn't agree with anything I had just shared with them. Home; Return to Content; Menu. Again l got more time to clean :))) Later on, at home; I realized I had to go to the supermarket to buy some food. Ho’oponopono, as I understand it, is an Hawaiian based healing process that can be used to let go of all that shows up in your life as some type of suffering. Thank you very much Mabel for sharing. I had problems in every sphere of my life, including my physical health and relationships with close people. I have a cousin who is 20 years old with cerebral palsy. I also took 100% responsibility. Thanks to these tools it did not rain as it was predicted, and the work on the roof to fix the problem could be finished. We had arranged to move on Saturday, but we wanted to hire freight truck service (one we knew and very good price) but the owner couldn’t that day. He told her that in his 30 years experience he had not had any luck with treating the diagnoses my son has. Since then I practice this technique that brought miracles in my life, I highly recommend it!! Have a wonderfull time, and a lot of success! Thank you. Once, my friend has told me that he has started practicing Ho’ponopono and he saw the first results already. That is how l felt before. The situation with my husband is not solved yet, but you know what? testimonial and/or comment on how she has touched your life? Of course it lasted until I took notice of it and when I became aware of it, the sensation went down. If that had not happened to me I would not believe it. because of Mabel´s vibration that it´s extremely high. A day before starting the rain, it got windy. I have already told you about the fluid in the lungs and the two occasions that the liquid was extracted... Well, it turns out that my lungs were re-filled with water; I kept strong with Ho'oponopono, constantly repeating ... "I love you, thank you, forgive me for whatever is in me that has caused this feeling in me..." Then suddenly I saw that I had drowned at the sea, clearly saw the "galleon" when I was shipwrecked, in that time I felt very suffocated and kept saying... "I love you, forgive me, thank you ..." and I kept watching as I sank, as if it were a film. I am really grateful for this seminar. Today at the subway, a lady came in with a straight face and her two children, who were next to her, were very serious as well. At first I listened the four phrases popularized by Joe Vitale and they gave me much peace. At dawn next morning, there was no pain, no sadness, only a deep love and great peace. I know everything will be ok. We'll see. Then I started talking with his inner child, Aloha! Only when l got results, that l was cured, l started to write about it in the Ho'oponopono Facebook group. I couldn't sleep a few days before he date of the hearing... and the day before, February 6th. I've had chronic inflammation of the ovaries since my twenties, as well as cysts in my left ovary. The only stop sign. Used consistently and with intent it has been known to transform lives. A spiritual healer who was an avid student of Morrnah’s right up until she passed away. It's hilarious!! I laughed about the situation. This will help you with your mission to make Ho'oponopono renowned worldwide. Mabel, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! I spent a lifetime trying to understand how to do it. happy, I wish you could experience what I have experienced, if you know what I’m talking about. I’ve also included the phrases “I love you” and “thank you” into my life. In one monastery l met a monk who gave me one prayer, and told me to go home and pray. But, I continued with the practice and still doing it, cause it brings me peace. I hope to give you the news soon, about the "cleaning" from the root of this cancer that affects me. I started saying “I love you, I love you, I love you, I let go and I let God”. I had problems in every sphere of my life, including my physical health and relationships with close people. As l understood, discipline is the key, and l behaved. SHALOM…, Dear All, Since that time, I did have some nice moments and some not so nice. I still could not attend any seminar but would love to do it as I'm sure this works. Have a good day. I looked through the window and it was "drizzling", I gave a call and he told me: "I'm coming". I have no words to thank you and your great team of collaborators for all the help and support I receive. Ho’oponopono & Money -Prayer for Attracting Wealth, Business Success Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian prayer method that clears out limiting beliefs (data) in the subconscious mind, first heard about it from Dr. Joe Vitale from his book Zero Limits. Thank you, thank you. l want to tell you what happened with my lawsuit. I sat beside him and took his hand. I love you, I love you, and I love you. She offered me some tamales she had bought on Sunday and Sprite, I accepted it, yet she offered me her services, and asked me to request whatever I needed, since she had passed a similar story with the death of her mother. These tools are very powerful. I felt my life would collapse, but I just kept repeating "thank you, thank you" constantly. It may have saved somebody's life. My mind was working very hard to find out what to do, and suddenly I "saw" the flypaper dancing around in the auditorium, dressed up like a ballerina!!!!! It's so enchanting! It was like instants where my heart sang, and it showed me something that for many years I hadn’t felt or even remembered that I could feel so good. Money being tight, she used that money for family needs, and still drives that van with a small dent, after her husband, took the door off, and sort of hammered most of the big dent out. In three hours, the unbelievable happened! My name is Francesca, and you know what? The greatness of God is amazing when we really let Him. It is believed that external negativity plays a role and we are saddled right from our birth. Regarding "light switch," I was able to help a client of mine to help her son who was going to be 180 days in prison. Thank you for being part of my life. Every Saturday my son used to have practices of music with his High school friends, (he is drummer and plays the bass guitar). I said the same to God, I said show me the solution, I do not know what to do, I talked to all the people that could be involved on the reimbursement and no one knows where the money is, and cleansed and cleansed and cleansed. Dr Hew Len explained, “I was simply cleaning the part of me that I shared with them.”The only way I can explain it is this… Ho’oponopono recognises we are all part of one consciousness, and as such, everything that is in our So as I re-read your recent reply to your post, I am still cleaning, then like you, I hear Dr I Hew Len's voice. Then Ho'oponopono kicked in, and I started giving thanks, to my Unhipili, the company truck, whom I named Tan Beauty, from protecting me from injury. Hey Mabel, The youngest boy (3 or 4 years old) started to look at me with a great personality and with such a nice seriousness that taught me something very important. It is even forgotten today by the people. Ihaleakala Hew Len discovered this Hawaiian prayer after it had cured his daughter of bleeding shingles … Something inside me told me to consult Mabel. I already knew that everything that happens, happens for a reason.

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